Result after scanning an answer sheet in the Examica app

Exam in class or online?

Discover a hybrid teaching platform trusted by thousands of teachers. Best tool for online testing, as well as in-class paper exam grading with a mobile answer sheet scanner app.

AI-powered test generator

Easily generate tests with AI

Our AI-powered test generator simplifies test creation by automatically generating questions based on your uploaded content or chosen topic.

Scan and grade with ease

Print out answer sheets and grade them in seconds with our answer sheet scanner app. Grades are automatically given and results are saved for you to browse and analyse.

Taking an online test on the Examica platform

Conduct online assessments

Generate a link for an online execution of your assesment and share it with your students. Watch their progress in real-time as they solve the test.

Make data-driven decisions with confidence

Examica generates detailed reports that highlight strengths, weaknesses, and trends at both individual and group levels. Leverage this data to inform instructional decisions, differentiate instruction, and drive continuous improvement in student learning outcomes.

Analyzing results on the platform
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Measure students performance

Identify your students' strengths and weaknesses by visualizing aggregated results

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Compare in-class and online

Analyze online assessment results together with in-class scanned ones

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Use advanced filters

Access dynamic data that can be easily filtered by test, class, variant or testing method

Trusted by 29 000+ teachers

Sarah Johnson

„Amazing app, really easy to use and quick qualification obtaining the results instantly, saving a lot of time in manual qualifications.”

Sarah Johnson
John Smith

„Great resource! Has cut my grading time down immensely! Amazing customer service too!”

John Smith
Emily Thompson

„Great app, the amount of marking time it saves is so good. I love how students can see exactly what they answered.”

Emily Thompson

Empowering features brings powerful results

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Hybrid testing

Conduct all your assessments in a hybrid way - paper, online or both at the same time

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Instant feedback

Automatically generate and send informative result reports to your students

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Upload your existing test

Get started quickly by uploading a file with your already existing test

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Compatible with any device

Access all features within our web portal and Examica mobile app

Keep all features in your pocket

Our app allows you to scan and grade answer sheets, but also create new assessments, correct typos, analyse results and much more!

Student's result in the Examica mobile app